The Lycée Français Albert Camus is a small French secondary school situated in Conakry, Guinea. It caters for some 750 students between the ages of 3 and 18, and teaches predominantly in French. Its curriculum and management are overseen by the French National Ministry of Education through the Agency for the Teaching of French Abroad (AEFE). It is commonly abbreviated as LAC for Lycée Albert Camus.
The Lycée has a diverse multicultural and international makeup, with pupils forming of 37 different nationalities. The school had been undergoing a hiatus due to the political instability of September 2009. Formally closed in October 2009, it re-opened in September 2010. As the only privately funded school by the French government in Conakry, it caters mainly to the expatriate community. It's teachers are mainly brought in from France and the EU although locals are hired on a case per case basis.
The LAC offers three high school curriculum streams. They are as follows: Série Scientifique; Serie Economie Sociale and série Litteraire. Students are encouraged to choose an area of specialization in which they will pursue their studies at the undergraduate level. The lycée offers the French Baccalaureate as a culmination of a students studies. It is administered by the Académie de Bordeaux (France). Baccalaureate tests are administered in Conakry, but are graded by other AEFE teachers in Dakar, Senegal. Students are strongly encouraged and assisted to apply to a university in France/ French Territories to pursue their studies.
Extracurricular activities are available in a wide range of areas (sports, pottery, rollerblading, judo...) for students grades 1-5 However, in grade 6, extra curricular activities are limited to sports (Soccer, Volleyball and Soccer).
The school has organized three annual running events called "Le Cross". It was started by a physical education professor Nicholas Thebault who excelled in running during his academic career. Students are required to participate in this event.